Finished reading Twilight

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I finished reading Twilight about 2-3 days ago, and i must admit, i LOVE it!!!! maybe not the same kind of love that i have for the HP series, but love all the same! there is something about this book, something that makes you not want to put it down and read it until the last page.

now i'm looking for ways to get the 2nd book, New Moon, although i must admit it will be kinda hard, what with me being jobless and having no money and all... but...i must read all the books!!!

we'll see what happens...i've read a few reviews saying 2 out of the 4 books are really good, and the other 2? well, not so much. but i'll reserve my own opinion AFTER i've read them all.

finished reading all 4 books. all i can say is, it's fine, nut it's no HP, if you know what i mean. its ok, engrossing even, i finished the last 3 books in less that a week! but i enjoyed reading twilight more that all the 4 books. so there...